
Thisarticleisexplainingthebasics,usingtheHorizoninterface:HowtouseObjectStorageonCloudFerroCloud.SwiftcanbeunderstoodastheCLItool.,TheOpenStackObjectStorageisamulti-tenantobjectstoragesystem.Itishighlyscalableandcanmanagelargeamountsofunstructureddataat ...,OpenStackObjectStorage(swift)serviceprovidessoftwarethatstoresandretrievesdataoverHTTP.Objects(blobsofdata)arestoredinanorganizational ......

How to access object storage using OpenStack CLI on CloudFerro ...

This article is explaining the basics, using the Horizon interface: How to use Object Storage on CloudFerro Cloud. Swift can be understood as the CLI tool.

Object Storage service overview

The OpenStack Object Storage is a multi-tenant object storage system. It is highly scalable and can manage large amounts of unstructured data at ...

Object Storage — Security Guide documentation

OpenStack Object Storage (swift) service provides software that stores and retrieves data over HTTP. Objects (blobs of data) are stored in an organizational ...

Introduction to Object Storage

OpenStack Object Storage (swift) is used for redundant, scalable data storage using clusters of standardized servers to store petabytes of ...

搭配OpenStack Swift API 使用Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Object ...

與傳統檔案或區塊儲存不同,OCI Object Storage 不依賴階層式結構,因此能夠有效率且可擴展地處理大量非結構化資料。物件儲存在平面位址空間中,可簡化資料擷 ...

What is OpenStack Swift?

Swift, also known as the OpenStack Object Store project, is the S3 compatible object storage service canonically associated with OpenStack deployments.

Working with Swift, the Object Storage service in OpenStack

The OpenStack Object Store project, known as Swift, offers cloud storage software so that you can store and retrieve lots of data with a simple ...


The OpenStack Object Store project, known as Swift, offers cloud storage software so that you can store and retrieve lots of data with a simple API. It's built ... Swift/ideas/object-lock · Swift/version map · Setting up devstack to run swi

Openstack Object Storage (Swift) Essentials

書名:Openstack Object Storage (Swift) Essentials,語言:英文,ISBN:9781785283598,頁數:174,作者:Kapadia, Amar,Rajana, Kris,Varma, Sreedhar,出版日期:2015/05/30, ...

OpenStack Object Storage (Swift) Essentials

本書教您雲端儲存和OpenStack Swift 的基本原理,並提供您建立和操作自己雲端儲存的技能。本書還解釋了OpenStack Swift 在雲端儲存中的實用性,以及它如何提供Swift 的架構 ...